German challenges to the post-war settlements (1933-1938)


  • Aided by Saarland plebiscite → Hitler declares that he will not follow TOV’s disarmament clauses
    • Introduced conscription
    • Increased budget for the military
    • Modern air force developed
  • Stresa Front
    • Alarmed by Germany, Britain, France and Italy tried to resist Germany’s expansion + border challenges
    • Ended when the UK ⇒ Anglo-German naval agreement

Anglo-German Naval Agreement

  • June 1935
    • Allowed Germany to build 35% of British Navy
    • Revised terms of the TOV whilst maintaining British superiority
  • Allowed UK to be secure without increasing spending on arms
  • Showed Hitler that he did not have to follow TOV
    • Greatly undermined world order

Rhineland remilitarization

  • 1936 – against Locarno and TOV, Hitler reoccupied the area, because…
    • Secure borders with France, protect Ruhr (many natural resources for war)
    • British Endorsement ⇒ legitimized expansion
      • Japan, Italy also defied LON
    • Stresa Front failed → West unwilling to go to war
      • Abyssinia ⇒ difficult position for GB and FN
    • Exploit this for propaganda
  • France ❤ USSR agreement
    • Hitler argued that ^ this broke Locarno agreement so Germany should be allowed to have security
    • At same time, Hitler offered non-aggression with France
    • British still assured that Hitler would not start a war
  • March 1936 – 20k men into Rhineland
    • Success for Hitler
    • Blow to TOV
    • Blow for France ⇒ exposed to GM aggression

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