German expansion (1938-1939) and the outbreak of war


  • 1938 – much more aggressive foreign policy
    • Since UK wouldn’t defend Rhineland, they wouldn’t wage a war
    • Mussolini was Hitler’s ally
    • Could make plans for Anschluss
      • German region in Austria
      • Could open way to East EU
  • Since 1934 – tried to destabilize the government
    • The Austrian Nazis supported Hitler
      • “We will regard Austria as a German State”
    • By 1938 → Nazi members were given roles in Government
    • A plebiscite was announced (with Nazi violence)
    • March 1938 – Nazis march into Austria, becoming part of Germany

Sudeten Crisis (Czechoslovakia)

  • Background
    • Multi-racial state, 3m GM in Czech area of Sudeten
      • Rich in natural resources
      • Anschluss ⇒ risked Czechoslovakia (and France wouldn’t defend them)
    • Nazis funded unrest, manipulated exploitation of Germans to support claim for Authority
  • May Crisis
    • Rumours that Germany would invade Czechoslovakia
      • GB + FN warned that France would defend ally
      • Put pressure for autonomy of Sudeten
      • Hitler mobilizes troops in the border
    • GB PM Neville Chamberlain tried to solve the problem
      • Agrees to hand over Sudetenland (with reluctance of Czech)
      • THEN Hitler backstabs and wants MORE Polish + Hungarian areas → and Czech didn’t want
      • War unavoidable
  • Munich Conference
    • Mussolini wanted to mediate Czechoslovakian crisis because he didn’t want to fight the War
    • Meeting between FN, IT, GB and GM WITHOUT the Czechs → allowed GM Sudetenland earlier
    • International borders committee for Polish/Hungarian areas
    • Chamberlain + Hitler sign declaration of friendship (to have diplomacy to resolve conflict)

Polish crisis

  • 800k Germans in Poland
  • Munich conference = Germany demanded restoration of Polish corridor to connect Germany with Poland
    • And offered to renew non-aggression pact with Poland
    • Poland rejects this
  • March 1939 – GB signs pact to protect Poland and says they would wage war if Nazis invaded

German relations with Italy and USSR, and the outbreak of war

  • May 1939 – Pact of Steel (Germany and Italy)
    • Support each other in case of attack
    • Italy not ready to fight the war though
  • Aug 1939 – Nazi-Soviet pact
    • Not to join in any alliance that could threaten the other party, and to solve their disputes diplomatically.
    • This allowed Hitler to invade Poland without Soviet’s intervention
    • Non-aggression
    • Not to support any third power that might attack the other member, and prevented USSR ❤ GB/FN
      • Also gave more time for USSR to prepare for war

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