Impact of domestic economic issues on the foreign policy of Germany

Economic problems

  • 1933 unemployment in millions due to Great Depression
    • Large programme of public works
    • National Labour Service → no one could be unemployed
    • Autobahns, cars, rearmament → motorways helped in the war
    • Unemployment from 5.6m to 1.6m in 1933 to 1936
  • Rearmament
    • Wanted to be ready for war in 1940
    • Autarky → self sufficient

Foreign policy

  • Rhineland
    • 1936 – against Locarno and TOV, Hitler reoccupied the area, because…
      • Secure borders against France, protect Ruhr (many natural resources for war)
      • Distract attention from economic problems caused by rearmament (domestically)
      • Rhineland was “German Territory”
  • Anschluss
    • How: Since 1934 – tried to destabilize the government
      • The Austrian Nazis supported Hitler
        • “We will regard Austria as a German State”
      • By 1938 → Nazi members were given roles in Government
  • March 1938 – Nazis march into Austria, becoming part of Germany
    • Germany added seven million people and an army of 100,000 to its Reich.
      • Steel, iron, foreign reserves
      • Sudeten crisis (Feb – Oct 1938)
      • Multi-racial state, 3m GM in Czech area of Sudeten
        • Rich in natural resources
        • Hitler declares that Sud. should be independent, alarms UK. Chamberlain + Hitler sign declaration of friendship (to have diplomacy to resolve conflict)
  • Meeting between FN, IT, GB and GM WITHOUT the Czechs → allowed GM Sudetenland earlier
    • International borders committee for Polish/Hungarian areas
    • THEN Hitler backstabs and wants MORE Polish + Hungarian areas → and Czech didn’t want
      • Richest industrial sites and strong border (coal, rearmament factory)