Impact of fascism on the foreign policies of Italy


  • Benito Mussolini – 1883 born in the North
    • Father – socialist blacksmith (working class)
    • Mother – teacher (middle-class)
    • 1902 – moved to Switzerland to avoid conscription (and joined the socialist movement) 1910
    • 1910 – socialist newspaper editor “Avanti” in 1911
      • Political philosophy – Nietzsche-ist Elitism (be selfish)
  • How did Mussolini rise to power?
    • 1914 – Italian nationalism surged during WW1 → most people support intervention
    • Socialists against it → Mussolini initially against the war ⇒ he changed
    • He could reunite all Italians living in Austrian empire = promote social revolution
      • Kicked out of Socialist Party
      • Mussolini turned towards revolutionary nationalism
    • 1914 – formed a movement advocating for war – early fascist movement
      • Denounced socialism → called for revolutionary elite to take over the government ⇒ violence with Socialist (exacerbated social, political, economic chaos during/after war)
    • Mussolini joins the war → corporal → injured + ended
      • Editor of newspaper of Fascists
      • 1919 – reformed party of “Italian Combat Squad”
      • Movement grew in ideology → opposed class discrimination + argued for unity like the Roman empire
    • Fascists – new movement – traditional + revolutionary → a THIRD way
      • Fascisti had formed squads of war veterans called “blackshirts” → goal to restore order on streets
      • Rebranded themselves as National Fascist Party and he wins first election in Chamber of Deputies (1921)
    • March on Rome
    • 28-29th of October – 30k blackshirts gather in Naples and Rome ⇒ march ⇒ demand resignation of PM
      • King appoints Mussolini to restore ‘law and order’
      • 1922-1925: Mussolini extended his control, consolidating his power


  • Nationalist demands
    • Imperial destiny, revenge on 1919
    • Has to please his own supporters ⇒ through propaganda
      • Dictator = has to keep his people in check
    • Imperial design – creating a brand new empire (intentionalist/determinist) = blame all on Mussolini ⇒ long term things shape history
      • Destiny and RIGHT to have Mediterranean region
      • Restoring the glory of ancient Rome
    • Treaty of central Power at WW1 – Italy was neutral until 1915
      • Promised Italy territories in Istria, South Tyrol, Africa, Yugoslavia, but none went to Italy ⇒ wave a nationalism ⇒ wanted new Roman empire
    • 1925: formal opposition to Fascism banned (Il Duce – one leader)
      • Coercion, intimidation, secret police (censorship, secret police)
  • Social reasons
    • Maintaining power through fascist ideology and cult of personality → expansion would increase Italy’s prestige
    • Opportunism – unprincipled, no clear plan (takes opportunities as they come, structuralist)
    • Propaganda – subjected to domestic concerns, designed to strengthen Mussolini’s power & prestige (intentionalist)
      • Enhance the popularity and cult of the leader
      • Domestic problems ignored with good foreign policy
    • Political issues → coalition gov’t inefficient, fear of Bolshevism, individuals funded paramilitaries

Foreign policy

  • Did Mussolini have a foreign policy?
    • Stressed that Italy should be ‘great, respected, and feared’ = the Hungary-Austrian treaty was “mutilated peace”
      • Revisionist idea – wanted to change the result of the war
      • But were Mussolini’s plans carefully planned?
      • or , as AJP Taylor says, a vain/blundering booster without ideas or aims
    • Stephen Lee – components of radicalism, domestic conditions, and international situation
      • Continuation of tradition (increase influence in Mediterranean/Balkans) + gain empire
      • Disillusionment (Treaty of St Germain left Italy unsatisfied + revisionist in outlook)
      • Fascist vision – strengthen state through rival of heritage of the Roman Empire
  • Mussolini wanted..
    • Rich land
    • Autarky
    • Unify lands
    • New lands for population
    • Increase military
    • Take Abyssinia (Ethiopia) – restore pride beaten in 1886

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