Impact of Nazism on the foreign policy of Germany

Cause of German expansion

  • Legacy of WW1
    • Germany was defeated but also transformed → Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated → start of a new democracy
      • Wilhem always wanted to expand → shattered heart of GM state
    • Paris Peace conference tried to reduce chance of war and effects of war
    • Collapse of German empires
  • Treaty of Versailles
    • Germany blamed for the war, article 231
    • Undermined legitimacy of new republci
      • Sparticists uprising, KApp putsch
      • Electoral system → proportional representation failed
    • “Diktat” ⇒ increased revisionist feelings and extremism
      • Due to reparations (6.6bn), war guilt, disarmament
    • Rhineland demilitarized, reduced army to 100k men
  • Economic catastrophe
    • Ruhr, 1923 ⇒ hyperinflation
    • WS crash led to 30% unemployment


  • Formed in 1919, Hitler became leader in 1921
    • Formed 25 point programme with nationalist, socialist policies + anti-semitism
    • Beer Hall putsch in November 1923 → failed ⇒ mein kampf, reichstag principle
  • Foreign policy
    • Overthrow TOV
    • Greater Germany – without Jews
    • Lebensraum ⇒ more living space, expand into east EU and Soviet Union
      • Destroy communism (enemy of Nazism)
      • Right to territory of sub-human races
  • Achieving foreign policy aims
    • Suspended democracy through Decree for Protection of People and State, Enabling Act, banned other political parties
    • Propaganda – Hitler Youth, Nazi Labour Front, Public Enlightenment Ministry
    • SS/SA – involved in concentration camp, Gestapo, repression of opp

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