International response to German and Italian aggression (1938-40)

Invasion of Poland

  • September 1939 – Nazi invades Poland
    • Divided between Germany and USSR
    • Destroyed Polish railways and airforce through blitzkreig

Response of US

  • US lifted embargo
  • Modified Neutrality Act to allow war-fighting nations to buy weapons from the US


  • Stalin took over Baltic States and Finland
  • Germany took over Denmark and Norway and Belgium and France
    • Chamberlain resigned as PM → Churchill went into power
      • No negotiating with Hitler
  • Fall of France
    • June 1940
    • Puppet government run by the Nazis
    • Shocked Maginot line → went through a forest
    • 300k troops had to be rescued in Dunkirk


  • June 1940 – when GM about to win, declares war
  • Sept 1940 – invades Greece _ Egypt = and failed
    • Germany has to step in


  • Battle of Britain – July and Sept 1940
  • Tried to destroy GB airfields and bases
    • But did not damage moral/capacity/infrastructure
    • Turning point defeat for Hitler


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