International response to Italian aggression

  • Impact on IR
    • 1931 – dead LON, no point with collective security
    • Mussolini ignored the League = Britain + France undermined in HL proposal
    • Sanctions = encouraged IT to trade with GM
      • Weak league = remilitarize the Rhineland!
    • Britain + France = no longer trust + isolation of Italy
      • Isolation = GM relationship
  • October 1936: Rome-Berlin AXIS
    • Mussolini abandons EQUIDISTANCE 
    • Joins Hitler’s side
    • Both sides intervened in Spanish Civil War
    • Division of Europe
    • UK pushed M away because of the leaked Hoare Laval pact
  • 1936: Hitler into Rhineland – broke TOV (emboldened Hitler)
    • Britain reluctant to fight against Italy in 1930s
    • 1936: Spain civil war = many generals were right wing in a left wing government, so military = waged war
      • Fascism vs socialism
      • So Mussolini supported a General Franco, who won
      • Mussolini wanted to prevent GB + FN control of mediterranean
    • 1937 = ANTI-COMINTERN PACT Mussolini with Germany
    • Gentlemen’s Agreement of Jan 1935 = IT + GB pledged to maintain status quo of Mediterranean
    • Europe’s failure
      • Britain and Germany signed the Anglo-German Naval agreement in June 1935 and wanted to contain Germany expansion, but it allowed Germany to build a NAVY LARGER THAN TOV (breaking the TOV!)
        • Miscalculation = post war order based on TOV = now it can undermine everything else
    • Changing diplomatic alliances
    • Mussolini threatened colonies of British/French/Spanish in Africa
      • Announced that he would not withdraw from Spain
      • Anti-comintern pact with Germany
      • Left league of nations 1937
      • Yugoslavia cooperation of neutrality (threatened France, who was supposed to be the great power of Little Entente)


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