Key events in Italy’s Foreign Policy (Summary)

Corfu, 1923

  • 21st August 1923 – 4 Italians assassinated when marking border between Greece + Albania 
  • M. seized the opportunity to intimidate Greece – demanded 50m lire + official apology, Greece refused, Mussolini invades Corfu
  • Greece appeals to LON – British pressure, 27 Sept = Greece paid compensation Britain + France relation damaged

Fiume, 1924

  • Italian majority, given to Yugoslavia in WW1 – hated by nationalists
  • After Corfu – Mussolini invaded, got Yugoslavia to sign Treaty of Rome in January 1924
  • Italy annexed Fiume – Both countries promised neutrality if attacked by third party
  • Victory for M. Domestic – citizens happy. France – unhappy, had an alliance with Yugoslavia
  • France wanted those Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Romania to defend WW1 agreement (3 were the “Little Entente”)

Locarno Pact, 1925

  • Originally, Mussolini had poor relations with UK + France over Corfu + Fiume, but wanted to initiate more conciliatory relations
  • 7 agreements in October 1925 = Italy agreed to guarantee German borders, aid Belgium/GM/France/UK in case of attack
  • Improvement of relations in Europe; “Spirit of Locarno” = Germany joined LON in 1926. Mussolini would sign Kellog Briand pact (banning war)
  • But Italy still had concerns about Germany going into Austria (South Tyrol)

Albania, 1926

  • Increasing influence in Albania
  • Plotted to expand influence in Balkans (expense of French)
  • Secretly supported separatist forces in Yugoslavia and signed $ agreements in Czechoslovakia (wanted “entente powers” to move towards Italy)
  • Intervening in Albanian civil war – he had to protect + support Albania (monopolised Albanian shipping/trade/army)
  • Made Little Entente powers closer together in fear of Italy

Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928

  • Agreed not to use war to resolve conflict/dispute
  • But he secretly supported separatist forces in Balkans, which offset France’s influence
  • “International man of peace” – diplomatic credentials

Great Depression, 1929

  • Nations struggling to deal with fallout – wanted unilateral action/bilateral agreements over multilateral cooperation
  • Italy hit hard – trade fell/no access to foreign loans from the US Unemployment ^ to 1m
  • More aggressive FP + autarky + capturing overseas markets
  • Production falls 32% in 3 years, Mussolini limits unemployment by expanding public works + rearmament
  • Rise to power of Hitler Italy was threatened by Hitler So Mussolini wanted to mediate between France/GB/Germany

Four Power Pact, 1933

  • Treaty in June 1933 Between Italy, Germany, France, Britain
  • Better way to ensure international security (Mussolini actually just wanted to isolate Germany, bc Hitler was appointed as Chancellor)
  • Undermined LON Germany withdraws from LON in Oct 1933
  • Difficult to sustain pact made war more likely

Dollfuss Affair, 1934

  • Austria’s chancellor (Engelbert Dollfuss) murdered by Nazis (who wanted to annex Austria)
  • Italy was concerned that South Tyrol/Mussolini control was under threat
  • Mussolini mobilised troops along Austrian border (Brenner Pass)
  • Germany forced to back down + stop interfering in Austria (believed it was part of the Italian sphere of influence)
  • Major success for Mussolini – but weakness of Austria

Stresa Front, 1935

  • Hitler announced conscription + rearmament in March 1925
  • Mussolini wanted to isolate GM again
  • April – France, British + Muss meet in Northern Italy to discuss abt Hitler
  • Reaffirmed Locarno pact = decided to form a “Stresa front” to contain GM
  • However, all 3 had diverging aims Britain didn’t want war/to antagonise GM
  • France didn’t consider war/did want to contain GM
  • Mussolini wanted to contain GM and also invaded Abyssinia
  • Breaks down in June 1935, Britain signed Anglo-German agreement which allowed GM to rebuild navy IT + FN = betrayal (no chance to stop Hitler)
  • Mussolini invaded Abyssinia in Oct 1935 + end of Front + Mussolini allows Hitler to take Austria

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