The Three Power/Tripartite Pact the outbreak of war, Pearl Harbor (1941)

Consolidation of Axis Powers

  • 1936 – Rome-Berlin Axis
  • 1938 – Germany recognises Manchukuo (CKS is too weak, GM wants to expand in Europe)
    • Hitler’s annexation of Austria/Czechoslovakia between 1938-1939 violated sovereignty
    • LON failed to respond
  • 1939 – Pact of Steel, GM and Italy become military allies
  • 1939 – Nazi-Soviet Pact ⇒ divided Poland/gave Stalin a free hand in Baltic States
    • Shook the foundation of Japan’s earlier Anti-Soviet agreement
    • Nazi-Soviet pact convinced Japan that it should not wage war against USSR, go south
  • 1940 – Pact of Steel, Japan is allied in September = Tripartite Pact


  • Dec 1939 – worsened relations between USSR and China
    • China didn’t use veto, USSR ends up getting removed from LON (4 invading Finland)
    • Because he didn’t want to alienate
      • And suspected Stalin was less committed to helping China defeat JP than to stop JP attacking USSR
    • Therefore worsened relations, USSR abandons China and ❤ Japan
  • Battle of Khalkhin Gol/Nomonhan – 20k troops died from hunger/disease/battle) ⇒ skirmishes between USSR and Japan
  • April 1941 – USSR and JP had more urgent threats
    • USSR + JP signed neutrality pact – Soviet aid to China stopped
    • Japan could move to Indochina because its border with USSR was secured

Outbreak of war in Europe + Impact on Japan

  • Invasion of Poland in Sept 1939 – led to phoney war
  • Fall of France in June 1940, and isolation of UK strengthens JP
  • Japan could expand in East – Indochina in July 1941, since UK was weak
    • Japan had Dutch East Indies (Malaysia) with oil, rubber, tin
  • Japanese politics
    • Tojo was War minister, Mastuoka Yosuke was foreign minister ⇒ made decisions
      • Strengthen ties with GM and Italy
      • Create New Order in Asia
      • Non-aggression pact is Soviet
      • British/French/Dutch in East Asia = Japanese influence
      • CKS + bring China into New Order


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