Detailed analysis of Act 1 Scene 7


Shakespeare’s intention + context
  • Macbeth’s soliloquy
  • He knows it will torment him ⇒ paranoia made clear
  • The host should close the doors to murderers rather than hold the knife
  • Duncan’s values are so great, everyone would miss him
  • Lady Macbeth emasculates him => coward! Prove yourself! ⇒ Femme Fatale of the play
    • Would dash a baby’s head off for this
    • Uses her femininity to manipulate him
  • Shakespeare explores the idea of Divine Right of Kings and the Chain of Being
Spicy Points
Paranoia and inner conflict
  • Euphemism for the assassination “it”
    • Distancing himself from the murder  
    • Shows his guilt
  • Surcease success ⇒ end of success ⇒ overall tragedy
    • Difficult to say
    • Shows the difficulty that macbeth faces
    • Makes the audience quite uncomfortable, unpleasing to the ear
  • “Bloody instruction…return to plague the inventor” ⇒ M is scared that others will follow suit and kill him ⇒ foreshadow eventual demise
Repetition of “if”

  • Makes soliloquy fluid + representative of train of thought
  • Capitalizes on Macbeth’s lyrical nature, which contrasts to his lost of sanity at the end of the play
  • Indecisiveness and confusion ⇒ complicit nature of the character
“Bloody instructions which return to plague the inventor”

  • An excessive use of metaphors to show Macbeth’s worry
  • Blood – blood on his hands, Lady Macbeth, motif in the play ⇒ fears the guilt he will incur
  • Plague ⇒ disease, filthy, inescapable, incurable
    • Plague his mind and plague his empire

“I dare do all that may become a man, who dares do more is none”

  • He doesn’t want to kill the King = it is not proper for a man to do so
  • Yet, the fact that he killed Duncan, Banquo, Macduff’s family ⇒ he is no longer a man, he is a treacherous kinsman undeserving of the throne
Chain of Being/DRK “Poison’d chalice” ⇒ image of treachery, committing sin

  • Same as hamlet
  • “Plead like angels, trumpet tongued”
  • ⇒ Duncan is pure, virtuous and ideals of an angel, pure of heart ⇒ Divine right of Kings
  • Trumpet = START OF WAR ⇒ he would start a war if he killed Duncan because he broke the chain of being
  • Having such likeable and noble virtues makes the murder more evil and unforgivable
  • Deep Damnation” = connotes hell
  • Alliteration used + religious imagery which refers to the Divine right of Kings
  • Severe consequences
  • Harsh sounds
  • Contrast with the soft sounds of “naked newborn babe”
  • Innocent and pure, babe (connotations)
  • Purity is associated with being King = Kings PURE of heart
  • Also foreshadows the purity of Macduff in Act 5//emphasizes his moral, virtuous character

“Vaulting ambition” ⇒ he means to say “falls onto the other side” but is interrupted by lady macbeth

  • Gives a depiction of an extremely clumsy character, who is inexperienced, whose ambition is so great that it causes him to miss the mark completely and face an embarrassing fate
Everyone has a fixed Chain of Being and should not try to alter their fate

Once the chain is broken, it will have a strong impact = nightmare, chaos

Lady Macbeth’s manipulation and presentation as the femme fatale Rhetorical questions

  • Plant seed in his mind
  • Determination to overthrow the King
  • Domination in the relationship
  • Independent, manipulative, Femme Fatale ⇒ antithesis of ideal wife
Colour = coward

  • Green and pale
  • Not suited for the valour of the crown
  • Lacking in strength ⇒ contrasted by the initial exposition of Macbeth as a valiµant warrior
  • She also interrupts macbeth, shows the nature of their relationship, doesn’t let him finish
“Bring forth men children”

  • Spirits have unsexed her
  • She is so powerful and admired by Macbeth
  • She is a man, man = murder
  • Macbeth falters to her pressure, and suppresses his thought and his guilt
  • He is concerned about keeping the throne and having heirs ⇒ obsessed with the possibility of power

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