Summary of Macbeth


Act and Scene What happens
1. 1-5 Dramatic start to the play with the witches’ prophecies (audience is scared of witches given the context!)

Macbeth is presented as heroic (after quashing a rebellion that tries to overthrow Duncan) and also sadistic/cruel, by the Captain’s report

Witches appear to Macbeth – he is contemplating how to get the throne

Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth – she outlines how she will execute the murder

1. 5-7 Lady Macbeth – soliloquy ⇒ strength of her will, understands that she will have to manipulate her husband. Manhood linked with murder when she calls for the spirits to “unsex her”. Beginning of her emasculation of Macbeth

Macbeth succumbs to LM’s desires, he yearns for the power (he would do it if it could be done quickly) = dilemma!

2. 1-2 Macbeth is distrustful of Banquo. He sees the dagger in 2.1

Duncan is murdered, but audience is deprived of this scene (and Macbeth’s crowning) ⇒ technique called elision which is a property of classical Greek tragedies

2.2: He’s conflicted and so scared that LM has to put the daggers back

2. 3-4 Porter’s comedy, joking with Macduff (he warns guests that they are putting themselves in the hands of the devil)

LM begins to take a step back, Macbeth is the centre of the play

Lennox is troubled ⇒ Macbeth almost gives away that the King is dead

Malcolm asks about killer, Lennox says that it is likely in the King’s chamber (suspicious)

Banquo expresses suspicion of Macbeth’s blame on the servants

Macduff asks Macbeth why he killed the servants, Macduff flees.

2.4: Duncan’s horses eat and kill each other ⇒ symbolism of unnatural tendencies because Macbeth has broken the CHAIN of BEING

3. 1-3 Macbeth orders the killing of Banquo ⇒ he takes the role of his wife when ordering the murders, because he manipulates them, makes them angry and questions their manhood (like she does in Act 1 Scene 7)

3.2 Lady Macbeth begins to despair – she wants him to stop killing!

3.2: Macbeth takes control over the killings and keeps LM in the dark.

3. 4-6 3.4: Banquo’s ghost, Macbeth is exposed. Macbeth has no moral landscape/loyalty/virtue. Metaphysical dread (supernatural strikes back)

King Edward the Confessor – Malcolm + Macduff have gone to seek his help, he is the opposite of evil

4. 1-3 Witches appear again ⇒ dilemma about their prophecies – do they control these events or are they merely playing around? Allow Macbeth to believe that everything is well (even though there is an armored head, which suggests rebellion, and “not of woman born”, which is suggesting the c-section)

Macduff and Malcolm agree that Macbeth is the worst possible King – exposes the nature of true kingship, which is the Divine Right of Kings. A true King loves his kingdom and is not self-interested. Both M&M share this virtue.

Act 4.3: MAL says “dispute it like a man” and MAC says “I must also feel it as a man” Macduff shows that manhood compromises more than aggression and murder, as it has emotion/need to feel grief.

  • Later when Malcolm voices sorrow for Siward’s son, he has truly taken Macduff’s instruction to heart.
5. 1-11 Extremely rapid development. Army + Malcolm prepare for battle

5.1 Lady Macbeth can’t wash blood off her hands “out, damned spot” and Macbeth cannot sleep. LM suicides (elision) and Macbeth is indifferent to the loss, he has given up.

5.5. Macduff’s family has been killed

“Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow” – hopelessness, meaningless > evil

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