Containment in Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam (extent of success)


* more in the HL unit of Japan

Initial policies

  • MacArthur was appointed to control Japan in 1945
    • SCAP (Supreme Commander of Allied Powers)
    • Power of dictator
    • Sought to demilitarise Japanese society + weaken economy (Cold War changed this policy because of China’s communism)
  • Dismantle imperial Japan
    • War crimes trial, armed forces de-militarized
    • New constitution – “we renounce war forever”
    • Bill of Rights
    • Emperor – no longer worshipped
  • Korean War changed this policy
    • Fear spread of communism
    • Strong anti-communist power, counterbalance Communist China
    • Redevelop economy! Military!
      • Restrict communist
      • Older traditional values of family

Key features  

    • Zaibatsu reformed
    • Red purge – eliminate left-wing from government
      • “Reverse course”
    • Korean War – 75,000 army “self-defence force”


  • End in 1952: Treaty of San Francisco, American-JP Security treaty


    • US occupation ended
    • But US could retain military base in JP
  • Communism did not have a chance to grow
    • Powerful economy
    • Conservative political class
  • Historiography
    • Was it due to america? Japan is naturally conservative.


Use of military threats by USA

  • USA had no commitment to CKS before Korean War
    • June 1950: US 7th Fleet to protect Taiwan straits from Chinese aggression
    • Taiwan is recognised (not PRC), e.g. Security Council
  • 1953: The Fleet is allowed to move onto the mainland
  • 1954: KMT starts to station 50k troops into islands close to China, Mao Zedong shells island
  • 1955: Sino-American Mutual Defence = allowed Eisenhower to take military action to protect Taiwan
  • Fighting intensifies…
    • Eisenhower threatens Nuclear Weapons
    • Philosophy of “Brinkmanship” “Massive retaliation” = PLA backed out
  • 1958: Another crisis, threat of nuclear retaliation

The role of GMD in Containment

  • Chiang Kai Shek
    • Established one-party rule
    • Crushed opposition
    • 1949 Martial Law
      • Suppress political opposition
      • 140,000 arrested (1949-1987)
  • Economic development
    • Backed by USA
    • Taiwan Miracle
    • 1960s – 2nd fastest growing economy after Japan

Failure in Vietnam

Causes of the War

Nationalist movement in Vietnam leads to America’s involvement

  • Vietnam was a French colony
  • Viet Minh – nationalist movement Led by Ho Chi Minh attacked Japanese during WW2
    • Declared independence in 1945
  • French fought to regain control, but defeated in 1954 (Dien Bien Phu battle)
    • Despite being supported by USA (80% funds for war = USA)
      • Didn’t want communism to spread

Geneva conference, 1954 – America refuses to cooperate

  • France had to withdraw from Vietnam
    • Divided at 17th parallel
  • Ho Chi Minh in control of North – wanted free elections to unite Vietnam in 1956
  • USA refused to sign → started strengthening south Vietnam
    • Anti-communist government Ngo Dinh Diem
    • SEATO – protected Laos/Vietnam/Cambodia ⇒ US would wage war if member attacked

Failure of elections, 1956

  • Oct 1955: Diem proclaimed Republic of Vietnam: Ruthless, crushed opposition, dictator. Refused land reforms.
  • Supported by US – Trained 1,000 advisors, South Vietnamese army
  • Claimed that communists could not be trusted to hold fair elections (fear = Minh had 80% support)
    • Result: Formation of Viet Cong – communist military group
      • + National Liberation Front (political wing)

Key features

Kennedy’s Role

  • Elected Nov 1960 and continued containment policy
    • “flexible response”
    • Increased military advisors (17k by 1963)
    • Counter-insurgency operations
    • Search and destroy missions
    • Agent Orange chemical
    • Green Berets fighting force
    • Encouraged Diem = reforms!
  • Results
    • Alienated local peasants
    • Diem still anti-Buddhist (self immolation crisis 1963)
    • Let them burn and we shall clap our hands” – Madam Nhu, sister-in law
  • Finale
    • Kennedy cut off aid to Diem
    • Diem killed 1963
    • Replaced by military = unpopular = US forced to rely on military

Johnson’s Role

  • Initial response
    • LBJ took over in Nov 1963 – inherited problems/determined to win war against communism
    • Aug 1964 – Gulf of Tonkin incident
      • “US destroyer destroyed by North’s torpedos”
      • No evidence
      • But Johnson starts open aggression on the high seas
    • Gulf of Tonkin resolution = take all measures to repel attack against US
  • Operation “Rolling Thunder”
    • Continual bombing or North Vietnam
    • 100,000 troops to south by 1965, search and destroy missions + napalm
    • 520,000 troops by 1968
    • Credibility gap
      • Still tried to implement “great society” – CR, health, edu
      • There: Hid what was happening in Vietnam away from public eye
      • 1967 – told public US was winning

The end

  • War of attrition & Tet offensive
    • Kill more of the enemy than they can kill you
    • Jan 1968: turning point
      • 70,000 communists attack South
      • 100 cities attack
      • 11 days taken for US to regain Saigon
      • 5800 civilians killed
      • Failure of Vietcong
    • Turned USA opinion against war
      • US embassy attacked
      • Vietcong prisoners executed
      • Anti-War protests
  • Peace talks, March 1968
    • Halts bombing operations

Richard Nixon

  • Elected Nov 1968
    • Wanted settlement that guaranteed South vietnam survival
    • For containment
    • Took 4 years = 300,000 Vietnamese lives, 20,000 US lives
  • Kissinger – advocated force against North for peace
    • 14 month bombing campaign of Ho Chi Minh Trail = failed
    • Nixon decides to withdraw US troops (1969-1973)
    • 1969: Nixon doctrine
      • Asia should be responsible for their own defence


Peace talks in Paris

  • May 1972 – Jan 1973
  • North wanted peace with honour too
    • Deadlock = couldn’t agree
    • Increased bombing of North towards China border
  • US wants detente (cease hostility with USSr/China)
    • Pressure on North Vietnam
  • Jan 1973 – agreement
    • 17th parallel
    • US withdraw from Vietnam
    • 2 weeks = all troops gone
    • North continues the war

Failure of containment

  • North continues the war
  • Captures Saigon April 1975
  • Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam = all became communist

So why did it fail?

  • USA – Truman (1950) & Containment/Aided France; Eisenhower (1952) & Domino Effect/Military Advisors/No Geneva 54/No elections 56/Support for Diem/Kennedy & Flexible Response/Counter-Insurgency/Defoliants; LBJ (1963) & Gulf of Tonkin/Operation Rolling Thunder/Search and Destroy; Nixon (1968) & Vietnamisation/Nixon Doctrine/Peace with Honour
  • Foreign Support – USSR/China support for North Vietnam; Prevented US invasion; Cambodia/Laos supplied VC; Ho Chi Minh Trail
  • South Vietnam – Diem’s government unpopular; no land reform; anti-Buddhist policies (June 1963 – buddhist immolation crisis); police state, Strategic Hamlets (concentration camps)
  • North Vietnam – Popularity of Ho Chi Minh; Defeated Japanese; Nationalist – reunify Vietnam; Tet Offensive; Guerrilla Warfare
  • Success? – War in Vietnam gave Malaysian, Thailand and Singapore ‘breathing space’- Asian stability in face of Communist threats

Timeline of events

  • 1950 Korean War starts
  • 1951 US-Japanese Treaty
  • 1952 US occupation of Japan ends
  • 1953 End of the Korean War
  • 1954 Fall of Dien Bien Phu
    • Geneva Accords on French Indochina
    • Defence pact between USA and Taiwan
    • SEATO is established
  • 1955 First Taiwan crisis
  • 1958 Second Taiwan crisis
  • 1963 President Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated
    • President John F Kennedy assassinated
  • 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 1965 US marines land in Vietnam
    • Operation Rolling Thunder starts
  • 1968 Tet Offensive
    • My Lai Massacre
  • 1969  Paris Peace Talks begin
    • President Richard Nixon announces ‘Nixon Doctrine and Vietnamization
  • 1970 Invasion of Cambodia by US and South Vietnamese troops
    • Students killed at Kent State University
  • 1972 President Nixon visits China
  • 1973 Paris Peace Agreement signed United States withdraws from Vietnam
  • 1975 North Vietnamese troops take over Saigon
    • Cambodia falls to Khmer Rouge



  • A tragic, avoidable mistake
  • It was wrong = on pragmatic/practical grounds
    • Strategy, tactics = Strategic Hamlets = failure
  • Good fight against communism
    • Better to use resources in other areas of world
    • Believed in Truman Doctrine, domino effect, monolith view
    • Believed in quagmire = if don’t support = huge bloodbath
  • Not worth loss of life e.g. George Herring
    • Wrong to have monolith view

Liberal realists, revisionists, left wing

  • America the villain
  • “Leftists” – left wing radicals
  • America = imperialist power for economic reasons
  • Imperial bully, slaughtering innocent
  • Vietnam = capitalism, elitist class ruling e.g. Gabriel Kolko
    • If they didn’t fight, no Southwest Asian resources to JP/US
    • Resistance of the vietnamese was a lot stronger
    • Misunderstood the resistance (it was Ho, not USSR)

Right wing, orthodox

  • Losing a noble war – morally right
  • Necessary battle in the Cold War
  • Political/military leaders = poor choices
    • Lack of will of government (should have just plowed through vietnamm)
  • War policies were limited = prevented soldiers from getting victory
  • E.g. Harry Summers


  • Many were forced to fight – they were anti-Diem, wanted to reunite = flaw = did not realize that they they were nationalists
  • War of attrition = turned people against
  • Social uprising = tearing draft cards, public pressure,
  • America technology = geography of vietnam (rainforest, jungles), not suited
    • Guerrilla
    • Fight hand to hand in midnight

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