Economic policies of Nazi Germany

  • Wehrwirtschaft (defense economy)
    • Germany’s peacetime economy was geared to military production in the event of total war
  • Schacht’s New Plan 1934-1936
    • Assistance for German farmers and small businesses to stimulate economic growth
    • Public work projects, land reclamation
    • Autobahns, creation of a national highway system ⇒ by 1939, GM had 7,000 miles of autobahns
    • Developing the vehicle industry, new public buildings and housing
    • Bilateral trade treaties with Balkan states
    • Mefo bills (special money bills designed by the government for government spending)
  • Four Year Plan 1936-1940
    • To prepare the German economy for war by 1940 ⇒ spent 35bn marks in 1933 ⇒ government control over the labor sector
    • To make Germany’s military fully operational by 1940 ⇒ had 900,000 people in 1939 in the army
      • Unemployment decreased from 3.8m in 1933 to 0.5m in 1938
      • Through the National Labour Service
    • Creation of substitute materials, like artificial rubber, and using oil to replace coal (import substitution)
    • To increase production of raw materials + arms
    • Production in strategic resources fell way short of goals
      • Levels of production never reached Hitler’s expectations
    • Germany was still reliant on foreign imports for its war machine
      • Huge BOP problem
  • However… they removed women/jews from the unemployment statistics

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