Legal methods used to consolidate Nazi power


  • German Labour Front (May 1933)
    • Replaced independent trade union
    • Social and productive community
    • Labour work camps – built public works projects
      • Canals, bridges, railways, sense of purpose to many Germans
      • RAD = state labour service, promoted German recovery
      • Compulsory by 1935
    • Farmers, workers, and the middle class must unite to contribute the bricks wherewith to build the new Reich.
  • Hitler Youth
    • Forcibly merged youth groups ⇒ taught eugenics
    • 2 million members by 1933
    • Compulsory in Dec 1936
  • Encouraged
    • Conformity, Indoctrination, The ideal child and youth
    • Political movements – popular before 1920s
    • 60% young children in 1935

Parliamentary changes (see: opposition)

  • Reichstag fire – February 1933
    • Van Der Lubbe (communist) was blamed
    • “Communist conspiracy”
    • Reichstag fire decree → gave Hitler Article 48 powers
  1. Emergency powers = Law for the Protection of People and State in Feb 1933 (X FOP/FOS/FOA)
    1. Banned the communist party
  2. Election success = March 1933 – difficult for non-Nazi candidates ⇒ more power in parliament (won 288 seats) – ⅔ of the parliament to change the constitution
  • Nationalists joined forces with the Nazis, communists were not allowed to take seats, over half of the Reichstag = Hitler
    • The Enabling Act
      • Right to make laws for 4 years without consent of Reichstag

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