Hong Kong Universities – Law Interview experience

Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • One on one interview with a professor
  • Asked questions about … why CU, why law, career plans, social issues in HK
  • Interested in your personality, extracurriculars, hobbies, passion, whatever you mention in your Personal Statement
  • Asked questions about biggest failures, favourite sports teams, etc
  • Really depends on your interviewer and where they think your unique point lies (academics vs extracurricular)

University of Hong Kong

  • Group interview (4 students vs 2 professors)
  • Provided a passage to read, a scenario (probably not too legal, but depends on who you have as an interviewer!)
  • Question itself does not require much legal knowledge (but will require you to debate the pros and cons, for example, would you walk on a grassy area if it wasn’t allowed but you were running late?)
  • They could ask a follow up question about the legal implications of your actions, or, what you would do if you were the judge on the case
  • They could try to corner you and see how you respond when challenged, or how quick your thinking is
  • They are looking at other things as well – your tone, posture, attitude towards other people, how you work in a group, how eloquent you are – anything that makes a good lawyer!

In general, there is nothing much to be worried about. Ways you can prepare:

  • Do a mock interview at school, get a teacher/friend to ask you a few questions on a legal scenario (could be anything – abortion, LGBT, FGM, Brexit, Constitutions, Human Rights, or even just simpler things like jaywalking, protesting, streetsleeping)
  • Record yourself answering a few questions and notice how you could be more presentable or eloquent in your speech, body language, tone
  • Read up on legal issues in Hong Kong
  • Visit the High Court and observe a few cases, noting down the ones that interest you (and feel free to mention it in your interview!)

Compared to UK universities, I believe the interview doesn’t matter as much in Hong Kong. The grades are more important!

Any questions, feel free to ask me.

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