Terror and intimidation in Communist China

Denunciation: They were a key method on Mao’s reaction towards the ‘enemies’ of the revolution Many denunciations were very high profile In 1955, Hu Feng, an intellectual critical of the communist attack on writes, was denounced in the People’s Daily Mao personally wrote commentaries against him Hu Feng was tried in secret and imprisoned for …

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Foreign Policy of Communist China

Bandung conference, 1955 Mao appears to be the leader of Communist world Discussed peace, Cold war, economic development and colonization Sino-Soviet rift Khrushchev’s destalinization → accused of betraying the revolution Deng argued/yelled at Conference of communist Parties, Visit to Beijing in 1958 + War with Taiwan (almost) → Khrush did not support CCP = reckless! …

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Nature, extent and treatment of opposition in Communist China

  The Hundred Flowers Campaign (1957) and Anti-Rightist movement   Called on members to debate issues facing China Initially minor attacks → progressed to attacks on Mao Those who spoke out were considered ‘rightists’ and were imprisoned in Anti-Rightist Movement (1957)  = Mao launched, Deng Xiaoping led Half a million people labelled "rightists" → committed …

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Use of propaganda in establishing Communist China

Propaganda Mass Campaigns They put up wall posters and ran discussion groups, accusation groups (when people got together to talk about their own and others’ failures to be good Communists), story-telling groups and memory meetings. Mass organizations workers through trade unions, students, youth, and women. Their purpose was to "penetrate society, to bring vast sections …

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Social changes to establish China as an authoritarian state

4 categories of people = peasants, industrial workers, petty bourgeoisie, national bourgeoisie Counter revolutionaries, landlords, capitalists, reactionary ⇒ rights removed to undergo “re-education” 1 million GMD killed by 1949-1953 Mass campaigns - 1950: Resist America, Aid Korea 1951: 3 Antis Campaign (fight corruption/waste/red tape) 1952: 5 Antis Campaign (bribery/tax evasion/fraud/theft/spying) Society groups ⇒ force everyone …

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Political changes to establish China as an authoritarian state

Political changes (legal methods) 18 provinces to 6 regions (decentralisation PTSD = China NEEDED this) Each region has “people’s congresses”, different levels to run things - towns/districts/cities Each region controlled by the military Every village/factory/school/office had to meet regularly and hear about politics Local party cadres had to educate their groups Most army officials, head …

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Foreign policy of the Nazi Regime

Rearmament Aided by Saarland plebiscite → Hitler declares that he will not follow TOV’s disarmament clauses Introduced conscription Increased budget for the military Modern air force developed Stresa Front Alarmed by Germany = Britain, France and Italy tried to resist Germany’s expansion/border challenges Ended when the UK ⇒ Anglo-German naval agreement Anglo-German Naval Agreement in …

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Nature, extent and treatment of opposition to the Nazi Regime

Nature of opposition Most remained loyal, only 1% were actively engaged in opposition Silent opposition e.g. refusal of salute to sabotage in workplace Workers - unemployment was high, opposition was divided, people did not expect Hitler to remain in power for long No way to legally oppose Hitler Groups Jewish - emigrated, took on new …

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Censorship and propaganda in Nazi Germany

Press   Reich Press Law October 1933 → banned Jewish/liberal editors or journalists ⇒ could also ban newspapers = bankrupt They had to satisfy Propaganda Ministry Daily press conferences, All public communication brought under state control Ministry must agree to views of the newspapers, had press briefings Dismissed 13% of staff on political/racial grounds   …

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Use of force and treatment of opposition in Nazi consolidation of power

Force (see: opposition) Purges Night of Long Knives - 30 June 1934 SA wanted him to take control of big businesses and be in charge of the regular army, Hitler did not want to lose support of industrialists + worried that SA was getting too powerful (under Ernst Rohm) June 1934 - SA goes on …

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