Methods used to establish China as an authoritarian state (pre-1949)

Organisation Six principles of the Red Army Put back doors, return mattresses, be polite, give back everything you borrow Pay for all things broken, don’t help yourself Role of Mao Futian incident 4k red army troops were tortured and executed under Mao's’ orders His authoritarian methods against opposition = key trait in rise to the …

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Historical conditions for China’s emergence as an authoritarian state

Historical conditions 100 years of humiliation Opium wars Sino-japanese war Boxer rebellion - foreign domination Warlord Period 1912-1916 Practice of decentralisation Lack of unity War and rivalry between warlords made conditions tough ⇒ high taxes, looted land, pillaged by armies Anarchy ⇒ outsiders could easily interfere, tibet/Xinjiang/mongolia take n from China Politically unstable Nanjing era …

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Methods used to establish Nazi Germany

Role of Hitler Strong leadership Smash communism, end Jewish influence, destroy the Versailles settlement, end reparations, lebensraum His policies greatly resonated with the lower and middle class. After the Munich Putsch of 1923 ⇒ propagandist ⇒ patriotic concern for country, only sentence of 5 years (later 9 months) Key ideas Propaganda is essential in sharing …

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Role of Hitler (Historiography)

 The Rise of Hitler and schools of thought Determinist - rise to power was inevitable Authoritarian history Strong state favoured, led by powerful individual AJP Taylor, William Shirer, Hans-Ulrich Wehler Structuralist/functionalist Historical crisis conditions Marxist historians, Nazism is general crisis of capitalism = big businesses felt threatened Ian Kershaw, E Anderson Intentionalist Manipulated the masses …

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Economic problems in Germany

Ruhr Crisis Passive resistance ⇒ hyperinflation ⇒ 100,000 marks for bread New currency in 1924 - lost value of savings for middle-class → lasting damage Nazi’s Policies: attracted many people End unemployment - jobs Tear up TOV Blame the Jews = scapegoat for 1918 Dawes plan… caused reliance on US loans Great Depression Unemployment soared …

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Political problems in Nazi Germany

Long-term political issues German Revolution, ‘18-19 - Impact of War 9 Nov - Kaiser abdicates ⇒ Social Democratic Party declares Republic Revolution from above Military/political elites instigated the change People view this as an illegitimate change ⇒ elites not purged, not a democratic process Ebert ⇒ proportional representation Power to president, Article 48 Continual political …

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