A guide to exploring Duffy and the IOC

Introduction: In the World’s Wife, by Carol Ann Duffy, she SUBVERTS myths, legends, fairytales, and biblical stories to give voice to women that were previously unheard. The original story of… However, Duffy subverts this tale in this dramatic monologue to show… (thesis) This can be applied to our lives in a modern context where… (northern …

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Detailed analysis of Salome

  Context of the poem + Duffy’s intentions Herod promises Salome anything she wants after being lured by her dancing Salome (under the instruction of her mother) orders John the Baptist's’ head, because John condemned her mother’s marriage. Builds on the violent, promiscuous nature of Salome whilst challenging preconceived norms about how women should be …

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Detailed analysis of Mrs Lazarus

  Context of the poem + Duffy’s intentions Lazarus of Bethany was resurrected by Jesus after death. He was buried for 4 days. Mrs Lazarus is a fictional character. Lazarus, in this story, is resurrected much later Gives voice to a character who was overlooked Jesus did not consider how Mrs Lazarus would feel when …

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Detailed analysis of Mrs Beast

  Context of the poem + Duffy’s intentions Second last poem of anthology ⇒ little red grown up, with her own money. Based off beauty and the beast, a well-known, traditional fairytale - value inward characteristics such as kindness over outward appearances Subverts the story of Beauty and the Beast to suggest that Belle was …

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Detailed analysis of Pygmalion’s Bride

  What is this poem about? Graphic emotional, physical and sexual exploitation of a sculpture who eventually manages to liberate herself. A MAN DICTATES WHAT THE IDEAL WOMAN LOOKS LIKE The image of perfection and beauty The woman has free thought = statue resents/hates the man, disgusted, she has no choice Submissive + passive, standing …

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Detailed analysis of Pilate’s Wife

  What is this poem about? Dramatic monologue which details Pilate’s Wife’s disgust at her husband and her attraction towards Jesus. Gives voice to a virtuous character that is only mentioned in the Bible What is the context? Pilate’s Wife is only mentioned once in the Bible, where she tries to persuade Pilate that Jesus …

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Detailed analysis of Medusa

  What is this poem about? The physical and emotional deterioration of a jealous woman who is overly worried about being betrayed In the end, she undergoes a gruesome transformation, becoming extremely fierce but lonely in the process. Context Medusa was raped by Poseidon ⇒ she was blamed for something she didn’t cause, horrific (victim-blaming). …

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Detailed analysis of Little Red Cap

  What is it? An autobiographical dramatic monologue which details the coming of age of a young girl Subverts the piece of “Little Red Riding Hood” by reversing the power imbalance between the wolf and Red as she matures It explores many themes in the anthology, such as maturity, oppression and liberation, which makes it …

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