How I revised for IB HL History

History is hard. There's a lot to remember and there isn't much time. But, you can make it easy for yourself by preparing well throughout the two years, and, utilizing revision techniques that work for you! Here's what I did for HL History. Throughout the two-year course:  Taking notes from teacher's powerpoints (linked here) Taking …

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Imperial Decline in East Asia – China, 1861-1912

Syllabus:  Tongzhi restoration and Self-Strengthening Movement (1861–1894); Cixi Impact of defeat in the Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895); Guangxu and the Hundred Days’ Reform (1898) Boxer Rebellion (1900–1901); the late Qing reforms Sun Yixian and the causes of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution; the reasons for its failure

Boxer Rebellion (1900-01) and Late Qing Reforms (1901-1911)

Boxer Rebellion (1900-01) Causes Boxer rebellion – impact Bad for conservatives Cixi in Aug 1900 – blamed herself – desire to reform on her own Jan 1901 – advice for reforms!! Wanted to turn China into a constitutional monarchy – make Qing last longer Had reforms led by Cixi and imperial court Key features Leadership …

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Sun Yat Sen and the 1911 Revolution

Sun Yat Sen Witnessed China’s defeat in Sino-JP war = humiliated 1887 - studied in HK, medicine → efficiency of the British = impressive = contrast with Canton = need change Made contact with secret society in 1893 Rejected reform Connected with Li Hongzhang No audience for reform Rejected by Beijing - OVERTHROW DYNASTY! 3 …

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Guangxu and the 100 Days Reforms

Causes Medium Term Foreign exploitation Sino-Japanese war Demanded immediate reforms Building pressure from below = China was once the dominant power of Asia Sino-French War from 1884 to 1885 Scramble for concessions 1894-1895 Weakness of China Self-strengthening movement had failed = declining to reform the government or civil society Immediate Spring 1895: 600 Confucian Scholars …

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Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895)

Causes Disagreements over Korea Arguments over Korea between China and Japan 1876 Japan increases influence by making Korea open trade (Treaty of Kanghwa) 1882, Imo incident, 1884, Gapsin Coup, both sides send troops to put down uprising against Korean King (like a proxy war, supporting various politicians) 1885 = Convention of Tientsin, both sides promised …

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The Tongzhi Restoration and the Self Strengthening Movement (1861-94)

Causes Long term Western imperialism HK became colony of Britain in 1842 Opium wars, CN defeated by Britain/France in 1862 Drug addicts, social instability Internal rebellions Taiping Rebellion, 20 million people died (1850-64) Between Manchu rule and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (oppositional government) China tried to restore power (1861) by reforms from Emperor Tongzhi Medium …

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