Being fair to the community is more important than being just to the individual. Discuss.

Individuals always sacrifice their rights to be part of a community, in exchange for certain benefits. Yet, there will be inevitable clashes between the interests of the community and the individual. In this essay, I will argue that being fair to the community is more important than being just to the individual, yet the complete …

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Arranged marriages should not be tolerated in Western societies. Discuss.

The traditional process of an arranged marriage is frequently found in countries like India and China, where families play a major role in matchmaking for singles. This contrasts strongly with Western societies, where people are normally free to choose their own partners. Yet, I believe that Western societies should accepting and tolerating of other cultures, …

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Have television talent shows sounded the dead-knell for hard work?

As the golden buzzer goes off for another contestant at America’s Got Talent, critics may argue that talent shows have sped up the process of becoming a musician and a famed celebrity, reducing the need for hard work. However, this essay will analyse the inherent nature of the music industry and how it has never …

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Should drugs be legalized in sport to create a level playing field?

Should drugs be legalized in sport to create a level playing field? “Fairness” is a concept that is always contested in the world of international sport. Yet, legalizing drugs would only serve to widen the inequality between nations in sport, undermine the value of sports, and create dangerous outcomes for athletes. The act of legalization …

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Would you agree that travel and tourism exploit poorer nations and only benefit the richer ones?

Would you agree that travel and tourism exploit poorer nations and only benefit the richer ones? Countries around the world rely on tourism to reign in profits - yet some benefit more than others. To “exploit” is to damage and misuse a country’s resources or harm its economy with a perverse incentive. Upon conclusion, it …

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The Olympic games today are less a test of personal athleticism and more of a measure of national investment and authority. Do you agree?

The Olympic games today are less a test of personal athleticism and more of a measure of national investment and authority. Do you agree? The Olympic Games mark a special occasion for the global community. It unifies countries, showcases talent and national pride. Yet, with its commercialization and sensationalization by the media, some may argue …

Continue reading The Olympic games today are less a test of personal athleticism and more of a measure of national investment and authority. Do you agree?

Should the law require people to vote in general elections?

The question of voting is one that concerns the role of citizens, the government and society. With the growing disillusionment of citizens with their government, voter turnouts have gone down. Important decisions of independence have only seen 50% of people show up at voting polls. Yet, it will be argued that the law should not …

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The National Admissions Test for Law, or LNAT, is an admissions aptitude test that is required for UK and overseas applicants applying to certain law schools, including: University of Bristol Durham University University of Glasgow King's College London University of Nottingham University of Oxford SOAS School of Law, University of London (for students with only BTEC qualifications) …

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