How I revised for IB HL History

History is hard. There's a lot to remember and there isn't much time. But, you can make it easy for yourself by preparing well throughout the two years, and, utilizing revision techniques that work for you! Here's what I did for HL History. Throughout the two-year course:  Taking notes from teacher's powerpoints (linked here) Taking …

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The Final Road to War

Operation Barbarossa, June 1941 German invasion of Soviet Union - made USSR go towards alliance with Britain/US Japan - possibility of ‘strike north’ strategy But Konoe wanted to improve relations with US US warned not to invade USSR July 1941 - Magic, code-breaking device, insight into Japanese diplomatic correspondence ABCD block 1941: Agreement between Thailand …

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International response, including US initiatives and increasing tensions between the US and Japan

Early USA response Increased tension Angered by Sino-JP war Roosevelt’s Quarantine Speech in Oct 1937 = more active US FP against JP Konoe’s new order speech - Nov 1938 = increased tensions w/ Open Door Policy Naval Rearmament US Naval act 1938 - 1bn funding for navy, ^ size 20% 1940: Two-Ocean Navy Act - …

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The Three Power/Tripartite Pact the outbreak of war, Pearl Harbor (1941)

Consolidation of Axis Powers 1936 - Rome-Berlin Axis 1938 - Germany recognises Manchukuo (CKS is too weak, GM wants to expand in Europe) Hitler’s annexation of Austria/Czechoslovakia between 1938-1939 violated sovereignty LON failed to respond 1939 - Pact of Steel, GM and Italy become military allies 1939 - Nazi-Soviet Pact ⇒ divided Poland/gave Stalin a …

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Response: China, the League of Nations and the Lytton report

China Boycott of Japanese shops and books United China = Workers in JP owned factories went on strike Men demanded they go fight and volunteer to be nurses Series of anti-JP attacks Local warlord, Green Gang triad fought back Little Tokyo (HongKou in Shanghai) = Japanese marines bombarded the area in March 1932, Shanghai incident …

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Japanese invasion of Manchuria and northern China (1931)

Causes Imperialism Wasn’t surprise (influence since 1895), 21 Demands Ishii-Lansing agreement with USA → ‘special interests’ in China, recognised 1917 - 1918 - Nishihara Loans, JP gave loans to warlords for privilege in Shandong + Manchuria Politics + Society in JP agreed on imperialism in China (we have a ‘right’ and we can ‘throw off …

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Political instability in China

October 1911, The Double 10 Rebellion This led to the fall of the Qing government → made China extremely weak due to decentralized power → period of warlords where militias controlled provinces, disregarding Beijing Japanese saw this as a key opportunity to take over, especially after WW1 as China was not capable of defending themselves …

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Japanese domestic issues: political and economic issues, and their impact on foreign relations

Political issues Positive impact - increasing internationalism and strengthening of democracy Taisho Democracy: 1918-1932 Leader of the majority party serves as PM by 1920 1918:  Hara Takashi formed the first party government (Seiyukai) established in 1900 - support from rural areas, aimed to improve JP economy, increase SOL ⇒ he was the first commoner leader …

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The impact of Japanese nationalism and militarism on foreign policy

Japanese nationalism and militarism Roots of militarism Yamagata Aritomo - Imperial Rescript (1898), Meiji Constitution = only answerable to emperor Victory = 1876 Opening of Korea, 1894-5 Sino-JP war, 1904-5 Russo JP war, (+ South Manchuria Railway Zone, 100k troops of Kwantung army)  Siberian Expedition 1918-22 Meiji restoration elevated status of Japan as an imperial …

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