International response to German and Italian aggression (1938-40)

Invasion of Poland September 1939 - Nazi invades Poland Divided between Germany and USSR Destroyed Polish railways and airforce through blitzkreig Response of US US lifted embargo Modified Neutrality Act to allow war-fighting nations to buy weapons from the US Europe Stalin took over Baltic States and Finland Germany took over Denmark and Norway and …

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German expansion (1938-1939) and the outbreak of war

Anschluss 1938 - much more aggressive foreign policy Since UK wouldn’t defend Rhineland, they wouldn’t wage a war Mussolini was Hitler’s ally Could make plans for Anschluss German region in Austria Could open way to East EU Since 1934 - tried to destabilize the government The Austrian Nazis supported Hitler “We will regard Austria as …

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German challenges to the post-war settlements (1933-1938)

Rearmament Aided by Saarland plebiscite → Hitler declares that he will not follow TOV’s disarmament clauses Introduced conscription Increased budget for the military Modern air force developed Stresa Front Alarmed by Germany, Britain, France and Italy tried to resist Germany’s expansion + border challenges Ended when the UK ⇒ Anglo-German naval agreement Anglo-German Naval Agreement June 1935 …

Continue reading German challenges to the post-war settlements (1933-1938)

Changing diplomatic alignments in Europe; the end of collective security; appeasement

League of Nations and Disarmament LON set up conference in 1932 to guarantee peace Hitler withdrew from LON in 1933 Even before Hitler, USSR + Germany signed a treaty in 1922 to increase military training + equipment Disarmament = unfair because GM would be vulnerable To Poland and France which had offensive weapons German borders …

Continue reading Changing diplomatic alignments in Europe; the end of collective security; appeasement

Impact of domestic economic issues on the foreign policy of Germany

Economic problems 1933 unemployment in millions due to Great Depression Large programme of public works National Labour Service → no one could be unemployed Autobahns, cars, rearmament → motorways helped in the war Unemployment from 5.6m to 1.6m in 1933 to 1936 Rearmament Wanted to be ready for war in 1940 Autarky → self sufficient …

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Impact of Nazism on the foreign policy of Germany

Cause of German expansion Legacy of WW1 Germany was defeated but also transformed → Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated → start of a new democracy Wilhem always wanted to expand → shattered heart of GM state Paris Peace conference tried to reduce chance of war and effects of war Collapse of German empires Treaty of Versailles Germany …

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International response to Italian aggression

Impact on IR 1931 - dead LON, no point with collective security Mussolini ignored the League = Britain + France undermined in HL proposal Sanctions = encouraged IT to trade with GM Weak league = remilitarize the Rhineland! Britain + France = no longer trust + isolation of Italy Isolation = GM relationship October 1936: …

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Key events in Italy’s Foreign Policy (Summary)

Corfu, 1923 21st August 1923 - 4 Italians assassinated when marking border between Greece + Albania  M. seized the opportunity to intimidate Greece - demanded 50m lire + official apology, Greece refused, Mussolini invades Corfu Greece appeals to LON - British pressure, 27 Sept = Greece paid compensation Britain + France relation damaged Fiume, 1924 Italian …

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Impact of domestic economic issues on the foreign policies of Italy

Domestic economic issues After the war Finance war effort increased unemployment and inflation South of Italy is very poor, mostly agricultural Unemployment, dependant on imports Until 1925… Liberal economic policies Increased investment, reactivated economy Unemployment dropped from 500k to 100k + huge budget surplus After 1925… Protectionist Achieve autarky/independant ⇒ import duties on many goods …

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Impact of fascism on the foreign policies of Italy

Mussolini Benito Mussolini - 1883 born in the North Father - socialist blacksmith (working class) Mother - teacher (middle-class) 1902 - moved to Switzerland to avoid conscription (and joined the socialist movement) 1910 1910 - socialist newspaper editor “Avanti” in 1911 Political philosophy - Nietzsche-ist Elitism (be selfish) How did Mussolini rise to power? 1914 …

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