Impact of policies on minorities in Nazi Germany

Persecution of the Jews in 1933 Boycotted Jewish businesses, banned from gov’t jobs, banned from inheriting land 1935 - banned from the army and restaurants Sept 1935 - Nuremberg Laws Not GM citizens, no right to vote or have passports = had identity cards for “J” and register all possessions Could not marry German citizens …

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The impact of policies on women in Nazi Germany

Background: pre-Hitler - Weimar republic was very progressive - encouraged women to express themselves, all sorts of freedom and equality Women over 20 yrs given the vote 20 females in Reichstag Women more likely to go out to work and work in professions, often paid equal to men More than 100,000 female teachers by 1933 …

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Political policies of Nazi Germany

January 1933: nine other non-Nazi members of the cabinet, all from conservative-nationalist backgrounds (army, industry, landowners) Hitler’s coalition government did not have a majority in the Reichstag, unable to introduce dramatic legislation, Hindenburg, as the president, has to power to sack Hitler Create a dictatorship in 2 months: Called for the new Reichstag elections after …

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Social policies of Nazi Germany

Policies on Education Indoctrination of young was undertaken to produce end products imbued with race consciousness of movement + absolute loyalty to regime Teaching of history used to promote greatness of Germany’s past → struggles of National Socialist movement to destroy “evil legacy” of degenerate Weimar Germanics → study of language and literature Aim of …

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Cultural policies of Nazi Germany

Arts Film industry fell under the control of the ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment Purge of producers, writers, actors of Jewish/liberal backgrounds after 1933 Reich Chamber of Culture and a Chamber of Visual Arts were established in September 1933 Artists were checked for reliability and had to be approved Book burning event, May 1933, …

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Economic policies of Nazi Germany

Wehrwirtschaft (defense economy) Germany’s peacetime economy was geared to military production in the event of total war Schacht’s New Plan 1934-1936 Assistance for German farmers and small businesses to stimulate economic growth Public work projects, land reclamation Autobahns, creation of a national highway system ⇒ by 1939, GM had 7,000 miles of autobahns Developing the …

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