Foreign policy of the Nazi Regime

Rearmament Aided by Saarland plebiscite → Hitler declares that he will not follow TOV’s disarmament clauses Introduced conscription Increased budget for the military Modern air force developed Stresa Front Alarmed by Germany = Britain, France and Italy tried to resist Germany’s expansion/border challenges Ended when the UK ⇒ Anglo-German naval agreement Anglo-German Naval Agreement in …

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Nature, extent and treatment of opposition to the Nazi Regime

Nature of opposition Most remained loyal, only 1% were actively engaged in opposition Silent opposition e.g. refusal of salute to sabotage in workplace Workers - unemployment was high, opposition was divided, people did not expect Hitler to remain in power for long No way to legally oppose Hitler Groups Jewish - emigrated, took on new …

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Censorship and propaganda in Nazi Germany

Press   Reich Press Law October 1933 → banned Jewish/liberal editors or journalists ⇒ could also ban newspapers = bankrupt They had to satisfy Propaganda Ministry Daily press conferences, All public communication brought under state control Ministry must agree to views of the newspapers, had press briefings Dismissed 13% of staff on political/racial grounds   …

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Use of force and treatment of opposition in Nazi consolidation of power

Force (see: opposition) Purges Night of Long Knives - 30 June 1934 SA wanted him to take control of big businesses and be in charge of the regular army, Hitler did not want to lose support of industrialists + worried that SA was getting too powerful (under Ernst Rohm) June 1934 - SA goes on …

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Legal methods used to consolidate Nazi power

Organizations German Labour Front (May 1933) Replaced independent trade union Social and productive community Labour work camps - built public works projects Canals, bridges, railways, sense of purpose to many Germans RAD = state labour service, promoted German recovery Compulsory by 1935 Farmers, workers, and the middle class must unite to contribute the bricks wherewith …

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