Reasons for Japan’s “economic miracle”; social, cultural and economic impact of globalization

Reasons for Japan’s “economic miracle”; social, cultural and economic impact of globalization Background: after 1948 - shifted focus to building JP into economic powerhouse. 1952 April - ended Occupation through San Fran Peace Treaty ⇒ renounce military force, focus on economic development Economic reform: Aimed to foster economic equality (the role of the war and …

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The reverse course (1950)

The reverse course (1950) Causes The Cold War and Red Scare - by 1947 the Cold War had officially descended and a ‘Red Scare’ had developed in the US. Winston Churchill and Truman realized Soviet aggression (Iron Curtain speech in 1946 and Truman Doctrine in 1947). Fall of China in 1949 and Sino-Soviet Alliance in …

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The US occupation (1945–1952): social, political and cultural changes; the reverse course (1950)

The US occupation (1945–1952): social, political and cultural changes; the reverse course (1950) Background: Extremely paternalistic system of reform. No feudal system. By 1952 - full sovereignty given back to JP (San Fran Treaty). Social Freedoms Rights: public discussion, speech, racism, religion, equality 1945 - women had the right to vote, equal rights in 1946 …

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Japan and the Pacific War (1941 -1945): decision to attack Pearl Harbor; initial successes; reasons for defeat

Japan and the Pacific War (1941 -1945): decision to attack Pearl Harbor; initial successes; reasons for defeat Decision to attack Pearl Harbor What happened At 07.55 on Sunday 7th December 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii – home to the US Pacific Fleet. 18 US ships …

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Invasion of Manchuria and China and its impact on relations with the West

Invasion of Manchuria and China and its impact on relations with the West Manchuria Short term impacts US said that Tokyo couldn’t be held responsible since it was the Kwantung Army that acted without authorisation → so Jiang asked LON to defend sovereignty Stimson doctrine, Jan 1932 (USA) Would not recognise Manchukuo Would not accept …

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Reasons for, and impact of, the rise of militarism and extreme nationalism: increasing influence of the army in politics; political coups and assassinations

Reasons for, and impact of, the rise of militarism and extreme nationalism: increasing influence of the army in politics; political coups and assassinations Role of emperor and government (long term, underlying political reasons) Emperor Sacred and sovereign, exert influence on political life E.g. 1927-1928, forced PM Giichi to resign after assassination of ZZL Meiji Constitution …

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Taisho democracy: the growth of liberal values and the two-party system

Taisho democracy: the growth of liberal values and the two-party system Evidence of blossoming democracy Hara Kei is the commoner nominated as PM in 1918 Before this, most PMs were appointed by Genro ⇒ divided between Ito Hirobumi (liberal) and Aritomo (military) It made a dent in the system of big businesses/elites ruling Japan Lowered …

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The impact of the First World War and the post-war conferences

Impact of the First World War Political Under Emperor Taisho, colonial markets + middle class who could challenge genro with new political parties Meiji Genro vs new political parties Economic By 1920s ⇒ decline in economy as the benefits of war disappeared ⇒ increased military power Rural v urban divide, rice riots, depression, post-war decline, …

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Japanese annexation of Korea (1910)

Why did Japan annex Korea in 1910? Long term causes: Japanese imperialism Meiji Restoration - 1868, Japan needed own empire E.g. Fukuzawa Yukichi = “THROW off ASIA!” JP had right and duty to prevent imperialism from Western powers (Pan Asianism) Imperialism seemed like the way to modernisation and power (colonialism, 19th century) Economy - lacked …

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The Tonghak Rebellion (1894)

Who were the Tonghaks? The Tonghak - peasant, revolution, religious, social movement. It wanted social change, regeneration of Korea, to kick out foreign powers, decrease the power of Yangban. Religious beliefs Buddhist, Confucian, Shamanism, Taoist, Christianity culmination God and man were the same thing Later creation prophecy New age of the world - poor will …

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